Monday, July 12, 2010


The harsh and splendid land
With snow-covered rock mountains, cold-crystal streams,
Deep forests of cypress, juniper and ash
Is as much my body as what yo use see before you here,
I cannot be seperated from this or from you,

Our many hearts have only a single beat.

- from The Warrior Song of King Gezar

This was a day of relaxation and reflection. As I shed the last of my drifting thoughts and concerns with respect to... quite anything really, I felt my spirit slowly synchronizing with my surroundings. This day, that was the north fork of the American River which has a magnetic pull on me.

I sat at its banks and read "Three Cups of Tea" about an American climber who built schools in the most remote regions of Pakistan. I enjoyed learning about this person with direction and purpose and an unwavering committment to what he believed was his life's most important work. I was truly in awe of him.

The book of course led me to look inward once again and reflect on my own path and spiritual growth. Riding through such vast spaces, one is reminded that we are here for but a short time, a blink in the universe, and then... gone. But what to do with that blink is the million dollar question.

My purpose today was to climb to somewhere around 8,000 feet above sea level where the temperatures were more forgiving, and find an amazing spot to put up my tent.

The further north I ride the hotter it gets, and the longer the days become. Days melt into weeks. It seems I have traveled through a time warp because it seems as though I left home 6 months ago.

It is once again time to put up my sails and see which way the gods will blow me...

~ Namaste ~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That picture by the river feels so incredibly peaceful!
