Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lesson 3: Live in the Moment

Do not lose yourself in the past, do not run after the future. The past no longer is, the future has not yet come.... dwell happily in the present moment." - Buddha

But who wouldn't be "in the moment" perched on top of a delicious can of smoked oysters? Seriously!

Living in the moment is harder than it sounds. I always thought I was an in-the-moment kind of chap, but last summer my dear friend Madelaine set me straight on this illusion and I started to look at the world, and myself, in a different light.

How often, even on this roadtrip, do my thoughts wander away from the present moment. I would think of places I've been, people I've met, places I have yet to see, and the whole time I would rob myself of truly enjoying the present moment for all it's worth? Nothing was as important as the now, the very thing I am in this very second, typing on a keyboard, drinking tea, feeling alive and vibrant.

Often I look no further than dogs playing to remind myself how wonderful it is to live in the moment. They are true masters at it, living for play and love

My little friend Kiwi!

So this morning when I found myself drifting to far away places I thought of these furry, gentle creatures and became present once again...

...and felt the breeze all around me, my blood coarsing through my body, my lungs expanding and contracting, breathing fresh mountain air, the rising sun on my face, the humm of the road beneath my boots, and here, I AM, in this moment, this tiny speck in this massive universe in this blink of time, alive, vibrating, pure energy, pure love.

Namaste ~ :-)


Megan said...

Live in the moment and come visit me in Budapest. ;)

Anonymous said...


The trip sounded amazing. Hope you and your BMW find many new trails in the future. You should come check out some of the vintage rides, or better yet, plan an old school ride with some of us!

The guy from the Honda shop today