Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today my bum hurts (...and Lesson 2)

Today my bum hurts. Friends, everything I have ever said about the comfort of my bike and its saddle...
...that one can ride all day without feeling a thing and...
...wake up the next morning, smell the pine mountain air and be happy to jump right back on...
...well I take it ALL back. There is nothing natural about sitting on a 32 year-old foam and vinyl saddle for 2000 miles.

It's my personal penance for all the bad things I did as a child!

I have day dreams about waking up at camp and finding one of those air cushions on my bike....

Oh, how my bony bum and I long for thee......(sigh),

But I am now in San Francisco for a few days and have plenty of recovery time. I stopped in at Dave and Gabi's BMW shop where he gave my bike a little "much-needed love" by adjusting the points. We thought that would be the end of it as the symptoms seemed to have had disappeared...

Recommended Service in San Francisco

...but NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! the next morning the bike would not start. This was a sign from the sea gods. A sign that I it was time to stop being lazy and fix it myself.

Mark, thanks for emailing me my personal wiring diagram from my laptop. It was a huge help.

How pretty is that!?!?!?! I know, you don't have to tell me, I get misty eyed looking at it too.... (sigh). I can make you a copy.... :)-

Four trips to Auto Zone and one to the BMW shop for parts.... and 3 hours sitting on Trina's garage floor (thanks for the work space Trina!) and the bike sputtered back to life!

<------- Notice the little dude on the side of the can right there? Yes, that's new! And of course there was a lesson to be learned here:

Lesson 2: Every journey will have road blocks. These are not to be avoided, but embraced, and take the opportunity to grow and evolve. "Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty..."
-- Theodore Roosevelt

Thanks for that Teddy.

Namaste ~ :-)


Anonymous said...

sounds like quite the journey. I'm glad that the trip is being embraced as originally planned. Jen and I have been looking after the house and it's strange to come home in the middle of the week and see your car still in the driveway lol. but i wish you a safe return and a great time in san fran. I'm sure there will be a six pack floating around (if not more) so we can hear the rest of your tales from the road.

Johannes - on the road said...

You got it Brian. I do hope you guys had a party at the house since I've been gone! :)